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Quarterly Non-Financial Accounts of General Government

Time series : GFS_3.1_en.xls

(Million Levs)
Transaction Label ЕSA 2010 transaction 2023*
Total general government expenditure OTE 17 962
Intermediate Consumption P2 1 761
Gross Capital Formation P5 1 244
of which: Gross Fixed Capital Formation P51G 1 265
Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables P5M -21
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets NP -38
Gross capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets P5L 1 206
Compensation of employees D1 4 579
Other Taxes on Production D29 M
Subsidies payable D3P 1 261
of which: Subsidies on products D31P 204
Other Subsidies on Production D39P 1 057
Property Income D4 189
of which: Interest D41 189
Other property income D4N M
Current Taxes on Income, Wealth, etc. D5 0
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production D6M 7 846
of which: Social benefits other than social transfers in kind D62 6 142
Social transfers in kind - purchased market production D632 1 704
Other current transfers D7 858
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements D8 M
Capital transfers payable D9 262
of which: Investment grants D92 0
Final Consumption P3 7 817
of which: Individual Consumption P31 4 092
Collective Consumption P32 3 725
Consumption of Fixed Capital P51C 1 228
Total general government revenue OTR 17 053
Market output, output for own final use and payments for other non-market output P1O 1 455
Taxes on Production and Imports D2 6 785
of which: Taxes on products D21 6 296
Other taxes on Production D29 4 571
Other subsidies on production receivable D39 488
Property income D4 1 191
of which: Interest D41 189
Other property income D4N 1 002
Current Taxes on Income, Wealth, etc. D5 2 163
of which: Taxes on income D51 2 120
Other current taxes D59 42
Net social contributions, receivable D61 3 964
of which: employers' actual social contributions D611 2 445
households' actual social contributions D613 1 519
Other current transfers receivable D7 1 112
Capital transfers receivable D9 384
of which: Capital taxes D91 130
Other capital transfers and investment grants D9N 254
Savings, gross B8G 175
Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) B9 -908
Output P1 7 568
Value added, gross B1G 5 807

* Preliminary data
 - Missing data