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by sections of Standard International Trade Classification

Time series : fTrade_1.1.1.3_en.xls

Exports, imports and trade balance of Bulgaria with non EU countries by sections of SITC, rev.4 in the period January - July 2023 and 20241
Sections by SITC Exports - FOB Imports - CIF Trade balance - FOB/CIF
2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024
Million BGN Million BGN Million BGN
Third countries - total 18 039.2 17 702.0 -1.9 22 200.8 24 045.0 8.3 -4 161.6 -6 343.0
Food and live animals 3 182.1 2 645.5 -16.9 1 173.2 1 273.3 8.5 2 008.9 1 372.2
Beverages and tobacco 161.1 152.9 -5.1 218.7 209.0 -4.4 -57.6 -56.1
Crude materials, inedible (except fuel) 1 182.7 1 286.7 8.8 2 927.3 3 604.4 23.1 -1 744.6 -2 317.7
Mineral fuel, lubricants and related materials 2 696.5 2 875.7 6.6 4 791.4 5 947.9 24.1 -2 094.9 -3 072.2
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 561.4 363.4 -35.3 250.4 337.3 34.7 311.0 26.1
Chemical and related products n.e.c. 2 087.5 2 333.4 11.8 2 016.7 2 148.3 6.5 70.8 185.1
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 2 674.3 2 865.6 7.2 4 243.8 4 226.0 -0.4 -1 569.5 -1 360.4
Machinery and transport equipment 3 343.5 3 464.0 3.6 4 977.0 4 446.0 -10.7 -1 633.5 -982.0
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1 825.4 1 667.9 -8.6 1 588.7 1 792.5 12.8 236.7 -124.6
Commodities and transactions n.e.c. 324.7 46.9 -85.6 13.6 60.3 343.4 311.1 -13.4

1 Data are preliminary as of September 11, 2024.
Exports, imports and trade balance of Bulgaria by sections of SITC, rev.4 in the period January - June 2023 and 20241
Sections by SITC Exports - FOB Imports - CIF Trade balance - FOB/CIF
2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024
Million BGN Million BGN Million BGN
Total 43 873.6 41 822.7 -4.7 48 369.7 47 759.0 -1.3 -4 496.1 -5 936.3
of which EU 28 359.4 26 929.5 -5.0 29 303.1 27 678.2 -5.5 -943.7 -748.7
Food and live animals 5 490.9 4 353.9 -20.7 4 014.4 4 124.1 2.7 1 476.5 229.8
of which EU 2 817.6 2 287.1 -18.8 2 998.8 3 034.3 1.2 -181.2 -747.2
Beverages and tobacco 364.9 338.1 -7.3 804.9 898.3 11.6 -440.0 -560.2
of which EU 229.2 211.5 -7.7 618.0 718.3 16.2 -388.8 -506.8
Crude materials, inedible (except fuel) 2 638.8 2 432.7 -7.8 3 584.2 4 150.5 15.8 -945.4 -1 717.8
of which EU 1 578.3 1 306.0 -17.3 1 038.7 1 065.1 2.5 539.6 240.9
Mineral fuel, lubricants and related materials 3 101.9 3 677.2 18.5 4 838.2 6 193.0 28.0 -1 736.3 -2 515.8
of which EU 828.7 1 188.5 43.4 752.1 1 202.1 59.8 76.6 -13.6
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 899.4 651.8 -27.5 413.8 514.6 24.4 485.6 137.2
of which EU 394.3 312.9 -20.6 206.4 231.0 11.9 187.9 81.9
Chemical and related products n.e.c. 4 751.8 4 481.9 -5.7 6 757.9 6 273.0 -7.2 -2 006.1 -1 791.1
of which EU 2 973.0 2 489.3 -16.3 5 017.4 4 543.9 -9.4 -2 044.4 -2 054.6
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 9 026.3 9 433.4 4.5 8 070.2 7 274.2 -9.9 956.1 2 159.2
of which EU 6 659.0 7 009.9 5.3 4 426.1 3 784.3 -14.5 2 232.9 3 225.6
Machinery and transport equipment 10 602.2 9 900.2 -6.6 15 551.0 13 825.9 -11.1 -4 948.8 -3 925.7
of which EU 7 741.5 6 974.4 -9.9 11 290.2 10 130.5 -10.3 -3 548.7 -3 156.1
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 6 688.9 6 493.6 -2.9 4 277.4 4 289.3 0.3 2 411.5 2 204.3
of which EU 5 113.1 5 131.4 0.4 2 909.6 2 812.8 -3.3 2 203.5 2 318.6
Commodities and transactions n.e.c. 308.5 59.9 -80.6 57.7 216.1 274.5 250.8 -156.2
of which EU 24.7 18.5 -25.1 45.8 155.9 240.4 -21.1 -137.4

1 Data are preliminary as of Septembert 11, 2024.