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Structure of Labour Costs

Time series : Labour_2.5.1_EN.xls

(Per cent)
Economic activity 2022
Total Wages and salaries Employers' imputed social contributions Employers' actual social contributions Other social expenses and benefits Taxes paid by the employer
Total 100.00 82.27 1.65 14.29 1.77 0.02
Agriculture,forestry and fishing 100.00 82.17 1.19 15.14 1.49 0.01
Mining and quarrying 100.00 69.64 2.74 17.72 9.82 0.08
Manufacturing 100.00 81.72 1.48 14.54 2.23 0.03
Electricity,gas,steam and air conditioning supply 100.00 69.97 3.98 15.33 10.64 0.08
Water supply,sewerage,waste management and remediation activities 100.00 78.72 2.16 15.19 3.92 0.01
Construction 100.00 84.09 1.20 14.14 0.57 0.00
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 100.00 84.39 1.06 13.37 1.18 0.00
Transportation and storage 100.00 77.96 1.84 15.90 4.23 0.07
Accommodation and food service activities 100.00 82.71 1.69 14.74 0.86 0.00
Information and communication 100.00 88.39 1.05 9.85 0.70 0.01
Financial and insurance activities 100.00 84.82 1.36 12.30 1.51 0.01
Real estate activities 100.00 85.33 1.13 12.79 0.74 0.01
Professional,scientific and technical activities 100.00 85.66 1.34 12.09 0.90 0.01
Administrative and support service activities 100.00 83.60 1.40 14.01 0.99 0.00
Public administration and defence;compulsory social security 100.00 75.16 2.36 21.03 1.44 0.01
Education 100.00 78.43 3.34 17.07 1.15 0.01
Human health and social work activities 100.00 83.84 1.48 14.01 0.67 0.00
Arts,entertainment and recreation 100.00 83.40 1.69 14.17 0.73 0.01
Other service activities 100.00 83.14 1.17 15.21 0.48 0.00