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Book and pamphlet production by Target Group

Time series : Culture_1.04_en.xls

Target group Total Books Pamphlets
Titles - number Circulation - thousand Titles - number Circulation - thousand Titles - number Circulation - thousand
Total 11 828 5 566 10 544 4 605 1 284 960
Social political 63 19 60 19 3 0
Scientific literature 3 369 459 3 292 447 77 12
Popular literature for adults 1 891 926 1 766 883 125 42
Scientific and popular for adult 1 891 926 1 766 883 125 42
Professional literature 150 53 132 41 18 12
Professional production 150 53 132 41 18 12
Educational literature 1 543 1 363 1 452 1 151 91 212
Higher schools, Colleges 842 105 829 103 13 2
Vocational gymnasiums and Art schools 1 0 - - 1 0
General and special schools 445 1 129 394 962 51 167
Courses 247 106 225 85 22 21
Educational methodic 8 23 4 2 4 22
Fiction 3 281 1 506 3 075 1 461 206 45
Fiction for adults 3 281 1 506 3 075 1 461 206 45
Children’s and juvenile literature 1 300 1 158 563 529 737 629
Children’s and juvenile fiction 894 684 450 312 444 372
Children’s and juvenile popular 406 473 113 217 293 256
Official documents 70 21 69 21 1 0
Reference literature 161 62 135 53 26 9