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Book and pamphlet first publication by UDC classes

Time series : Culture_1.03_en.xls

UDC classes Total Books Pamphlets
Titles - number Circulation - thousand Titles - number Circulation - thousand Titles - number Circulation - thousand
Total 10 508 4 762 9 281 3 898 1 227 864
Generalities 798 558 500 316 298 243
Philosophy. Psychology 431 228 417 213 14 15
Religion 201 74 192 70 9 4
Social sciences 1 868 857 1 762 736 106 121
Sociology. Statistics 171 38 167 37 4 1
Politics. Economic sciences. Economics 640 128 616 124 24 4
Law. Public administration 267 51 261 50 6 1
Military art and science 88 12 86 12 2 0
Social relief and welfare 55 8 51 7 4 1
Education. Teacher training 598 612 533 499 65 114
Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology (custom, folklore, mores, tradition) 49 8 48 8 1 0
Linguistic 216 182 203 166 13 17
Philology. Linguistics 216 182 203 166 13 17
Natural Sciences. Mathematics 375 181 362 167 13 14
Mathematics 104 48 98 47 6 1
Natural Sciences 271 132 264 120 7 13
Technology. Medicine. Applied sciences 1 524 289 1 470 279 54 10
Medicine sciences. Public health 721 168 695 163 26 4
Engineering. Technology. Industry. Crafts and Building 353 38 347 38 6 1
Agriculture. Veterinary medicine 152 17 147 17 5 1
Domestic science and community services 68 37 58 36 10 1
Management. Administration and organization of the industry, trade and communication 230 29 223 25 7 4
Arts and recreation 561 173 502 155 59 18
Physical planning. Town and country planning. Architecture 42 9 42 9 - -
Plastic and graphic arts. Photography 199 60 173 53 26 7
Music, Performing arts. Theatre. Film and cinema 198 60 167 50 31 11
Games and sports 122 44 120 44 2 0
Literature 3 869 1 960 3 242 1 559 627 401
History of literature and literature criticism 132 28 129 27 3 1
Literary texts 3 737 1 932 3 113 1 532 624 400
Geography. History 665 261 631 239 34 22
Geography and travel 46 40 40 27 6 13
History. Biography. Ggenealogy. Heraldry 619 221 591 212 28 9