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Tangible fixed assets

Time series : NF_Ent2.3_en.xls

Tangible fixed assets in non-financial enterprises by size of enterprises in terms of employed and statistical regions
(Thousand Levs)
Statistical regions 2022
Total Size of enterprises by number of employed
Up to 9 10 - 49 50 - 249 250+
Total 131 756 547 44 210 368 21 813 850 19 313 227 46 419 102
Severna i Yugoiztochna Bulgaria 45 081 424 16 186 672 10 285 538 9 259 939 9 349 275
Severozapaden 6 169 846 2 380 119 1 743 178 1 378 452 668 097
Severen tsentralen 9 333 199 2 805 803 2 635 951 2 225 443 1 666 002
Severoiztochen 13 520 379 4 920 550 2 810 692 2 986 779 2 802 358
Yugoiztochen 16 058 000 6 080 200 3 095 717 2 669 265 4 212 818
Yugozapadna i Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria 86 675 123 28 023 696 11 528 312 10 053 288 37 069 827
Yugozapaden 69 317 180 21 000 827 8 109 323 6 681 537 33 525 493
Yuzhen tsentralen 17 357 943 7 022 869 3 418 989 3 371 751 3 544 334