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Purchasing Power Parities – Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Time series : ECP_2.1_EN.xls

Country Gross domestic product
2020 2021* 2022*
EU-27_2020 1 1 1
Euro area-20 (BE, DE, IE, GR, EE, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, CY, MT, SK, HR) 1.054405 1.051885 1.049573
Austria 1.140908 1.131400 1.122752
Belgium 1.121130 1.119341 1.119163
Bulgaria 1.057004 1.089692 1.179002
Germany 1.106525 1.113197 1.118907
Greece 0.830087 0.824750 0.820254
Denmark 9.964259 9.882864 9.914217
Estonia 0.806530 0.831700 0.897213
Ireland 1.213933 1.198384 1.188822
Spain 0.949100 0.937132 0.932542
Italy 0.989830 0.979103 0.959685
Cyprus 0.905694 0.905820 0.911637
Latvia 0.735248 0.763032 0.800536
Lithuania 0.678554 0.689003 0.752389
Luxembourg 1.312111 1.299595 1.305884
Malta 0.872815 0.876009 0.891837
Netherlands 1.170697 1.163188 1.170440
Poland 2.658445 2.731953 2.879624
Portugal 0.849756 0.852558 0.843166
Romania 2.527657 2.596986 2.757895
Slovakia 0.765652 0.772216 0.792969
Slovenia 0.833229 0.845683 0.848475
Hungary 222.042788 233.280261 252.858600
Finland 1.255677 1.241365 1.239998
France 1.084947 1.087639 1.086133
Croatia 4.839858 4.868347 5.076269
Czechia 19.020790 19.043873 19.816901
Sweden 13.205643 13.180434 13.474060
United Kingdom 1.022945 . .
Iceland 224.257833 225.052909 222.889251
Norway 15.010164 14.211769 13.563131
Switzerland 1.729447 1.659471 1.580973
Albania 62.947823 64.373285 63.617370
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.006561 1.031552 1.082247
Republic of North Macedonia 28.277108 28.143712 29.210731
Serbia 62.243473 64.463897 68.465105
Turkiye 3.304780 4.322192 7.420344
Montenegro 0.502082 0.517717 0.545948

Source: EUROSTAT, Database:PPP domain/14.12.2023.
1 The purchasing power parities (PPPs) measure the price ratios in the partner countries and are applied to convert the economic indicators to an artificial common currency called Purchasing power standard (PPS), which equalizes the purchasing power of different national currencies, i.e. 1 PPS buys the same given average volume of goods and services in all countries, whereas different amounts of national currency units are needed to buy this volume of goods and services, depending on the national price level.
* preliminary data
. data not available