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GDP at Market Prices per inhabitant in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS)

Time series : ECP_4.2_EN.xls

in PPS 1
Country 2020 2021* 2022*
EU-27_2020 30 052 32 686 35 463
Euro area-20 (BE, DE, IE, GR, EE, ES, FR, IT, LU, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, CY, MT, SK, LV, LT, HR) 31 475 34 173 36 892
Austria 37 440 40 013 44 000
Belgium 35 599 39 146 42 384
Bulgaria 16 440 18 544 22 015
Germany 36 989 39 060 41 347
Greece 18 581 20 682 23 832
Denmark 39 953 44 087 48 360
Estonia 25 593 28 176 30 137
Ireland 62 068 72 174 83 264
Spain 24 897 27 556 30 322
Italy 28 236 31 475 34 411
Cyprus 27 339 30 565 33 384
Latvia 21 544 23 211 25 742
Lithuania 26 298 29 188 31 635
Luxembourg 78 005 86 991 90 903
Malta 29 654 33 733 36 871
Netherlands 39 009 42 688 46 261
Poland 22 927 25 239 28 161
Portugal 22 916 24 617 27 908
Romania 21 872 23 939 26 835
Slovakia 22 350 23 863 25 191
Slovenia 26 850 29 329 31 869
Hungary 22 368 24 369 26 985
Finland 34 276 36 477 38 987
France 31 416 33 714 35 490
Croatia 19 451 22 840 25 825
Czechia 28 051 29 986 32 039
Sweden 36 852 39 965 42 355
United Kingdom 30 666 . .
Iceland 35 533 38 773 44 590
Norway 42 873 54 798 75 265
Switzerland 46 630 51 460 56 287
Albania 9 222 10 255 12 101
Bosnia and Herzegovina 9 928 10 990 12 255
Republic of North Macedonia 11 420 13 271 14 840
Serbia 12 818 14 236 15 555
Turkiye 18 321 19 951 23 806
Montenegro 13 418 15 457 17 581

Source: EUROSTAT, Database: PPP domain/ 14.12.2023.
1 (1 PPS = in national currency/euro fixed for euro-area countries)
* preliminary data
. data not available