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Purchasing Power Parities – Actual Individual Consumption (AIC)

Time series : ECP_2.2_EN.xls

Country Actual Individual Consumption
2020 2021* 2022*
EU-27_2020 1 1 1
Euro area-20 (BE, DE, IE, GR, EE, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, CY, MT, SK, HR) 1.062424 1.061264 1.060084
Austria 1.188929 1.160904 1.162059
Belgium 1.161879 1.158642 1.176932
Bulgaria 1.003114 1.020216 1.084030
Germany 1.079802 1.090596 1.097212
Greece 0.851175 0.845490 0.847439
Denmark 10.670907 10.613920 10.945733
Estonia 0.823906 0.858506 0.930868
Ireland 1.447149 1.462038 1.450727
Spain 0.990300 0.975857 0.976060
Italy 1.025951 1.020228 1.011601
Cyprus 0.938345 0.937776 0.946195
Latvia 0.738402 0.764153 0.807607
Lithuania 0.659518 0.675135 0.743932
Luxembourg 1.548521 1.534273 1.527531
Malta 0.907601 0.903811 0.912181
Netherlands 1.209495 1.210343 1.207751
Poland 2.479588 2.570428 2.719054
Portugal 0.880925 0.872501 0.863561
Romania 2.389628 2.453226 2.601156
Slovakia 0.765906 0.771939 0.801649
Slovenia 0.863578 0.876651 0.886498
Hungary 214.538736 225.003948 245.553035
Finland 1.283678 1.289272 1.280616
France 1.088832 1.085125 1.071279
Croatia 4.986349 4.992961 5.190074
Czechia 18.334766 18.193777 19.251275
Sweden 14.037180 13.804313 13.736638
United Kingdom 1.089997 . .
Iceland 236.695299 241.131844 246.351215
Norway 15.653138 15.622982 15.461525
Switzerland 1.950718 1.907151 1.852261
Albania 65.045868 66.570555 65.525636
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.021639 1.026236 1.068775
Republic of North Macedonia 28.542891 27.542071 28.892484
Serbia 61.322872 63.495221 67.287102
Turkiye 3.108765 3.876316 6.331717
Montenegro 0.532783 0.530220 0.552984

Source: EUROSTAT, Database:PPP domain/14.12.2023.
1 The purchasing power parities (PPPs) measure the price ratios in the partner countries and are applied to convert the economic indicators to an artificial common currency called Purchasing power standard (PPS), which equalizes the purchasing power of different national currencies, i.e. 1 PPS buys the same given average volume of goods and services in all countries, whereas different amounts of national currency units are needed to buy this volume of goods and services, depending on the national price level.
* preliminary data
. data not available