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City of Pernik

City of Pernik
  2019 2020
Population on the 31st of December, total 72 241 71 504
Population on the 31st of December, male 34 567 34 140
Population on the 31st of December, female 37 674 37 364
Population on the 31st of December, 0-4 years 3 128 3 117
Population on the 31st of December, 5-14 years 6 855 6 800
Population on the 31st of December, 15-19 years 2 883 2 979
Population on the 31st of December, 20-24 years 2 380 2 459
Population on the 31st of December, 25-54 years 30 081 29 577
Population on the 31st of December, 55-64 years 11 266 10 954
Population on the 31st of December, 65-74 years 9 123 9 085
Population on the 31st of December, 75 years or over 6 525 6 533
Median population age - Years 46.1 46.4
Nationals as of 31st of December 71 825 71 056
Economically active population, total1 32 381 31 340
Economically active population, male1 17 377 16 721
Economically active population, female1 15 003 14 619
Persons unemployed, total1 1 451 1 567
Persons unemployed, male1 777 884
Persons unemployed, female1 674 683
Live births per year 569 539
Total deaths per year 1 122 1 279
Number of deaths in road accidents2 6 1
Cost of a combined monthly ticket (all modes of public transport) - EUR 24.00 24.00
Average price for buying an apartment - EUR1 34 199 35 039
Average annual rent for housing per m2 - EUR1 14 14
Children aged 0-4 in creches and kindergartens 1 572 1 589
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), total 88 62
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), male 54 37
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), female 34 25
Persons aged 25-64 with basic or lower education1 5 994 5 929
Persons aged 25-64 with upper-secondary education1 20 815 20 369
Persons aged 25-64 with tertiary education1 10 013 9 822
Theatres 1 -
Museum visitors (per year) 32 447 16 384
Cinema seats (total capacity) - 550
Cinema attendance (per year) - 2 283
Number of bed-places in tourist accommodation establishments3 274 274
Total nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments3 16 045 12 419
Municipal waste generated - 1000 t1 44.5 35.2

1 Estimated.
2 Data are presented at municipality level.
3 Incl. categorized accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds, that were in use during the respective year.