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City of Dobrich

City of Dobrich
  2019 2020
Population on the 31st of December, total 82 240 80 936
Population on the 31st of December, male 39 109 38 328
Population on the 31st of December, female 43 131 42 608
Population on the 31st of December, 0-4 years 3 428 3 267
Population on the 31st of December, 5-14 years 8 109 8 043
Population on the 31st of December, 15-19 years 3 692 3 738
Population on the 31st of December, 20-24 years 3 131 3 174
Population on the 31st of December, 25-54 years 34 089 33 261
Population on the 31st of December, 55-64 years 12 356 11 962
Population on the 31st of December, 65-74 years 11 103 11 017
Population on the 31st of December, 75 years or over 6 332 6 474
Median population age - Years 45.7 46.2
Nationals as of 31st of December 81 646 80 273
Economically active population, total1 36 843 35 505
Economically active population, male1 19 660 18 821
Economically active population, female1 17 182 16 684
Persons unemployed, total1 1 651 1 774
Persons unemployed, male1 879 995
Persons unemployed, female1 772 779
Live births per year 640 559
Total deaths per year 1 180 1 373
Number of deaths in road accidents2 3 6
Cost of a combined monthly ticket (all modes of public transport) - EUR 15.34 15.34
Average price for buying an apartment - EUR1 40 651 39 149
Average annual rent for housing per m2 - EUR1 11 12
Children aged 0-4 in creches and kindergartens 1 541 1 653
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), total 670 656
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), male 259 253
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), female 411 403
Persons aged 25-64 with basic or lower education1 6 822 6 719
Persons aged 25-64 with upper-secondary education1 23 679 23 073
Persons aged 25-64 with tertiary education1 11 413 11 150
Theatres 2 2
Museum visitors (per year) 33 552 16 587
Cinema seats (total capacity) 79 79
Cinema attendance (per year) 24 450 3 592
Number of bed-places in tourist accommodation establishments3 659 659
Total nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments3 47 906 27 840
Municipal waste generated - 1000 t1 37.6 37.5

1 Estimated.
2 Data are presented at municipality level.
3 Incl. categorized accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds, that were in use during the respective year.