On 25 September 2015 in New York during the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit the development agenda after 2015 was adopted within the UN “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. The document was approved by all 193 Member States in the UN, including Bulgaria. The program consists of five parts and it lists and formulates 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as each of them has targets, total of which is 169. The main focus of the Agenda is on the most acute problems of developing countries, associated with overcoming extreme poverty, hunger, disease, etc., as to them are added issues, banded with environmental protection, maintaining sustainable economic development and consumption, the establishment and functioning of democratic institutions, elements in the preserving of human rights, gender equality and others.
On 11 September 2023 with a Council of Ministers decision No 613 a National set of indicators for monitoring and reporting on progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) was adopted. For the development of the Indicator set, a Working Group, headed by the National Statistical Institute, was formed, incorporating representatives of the lead and partner institutions responsible for the coordination and supervision of monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The list includes 215 indicators covering all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The National indicators set is based on the NSI indicators used by Eurostat to monitor the targets, the UN Global SDGs list, national sources and other additional sources.
- Database - NSI (IS „Monitorstat“)
- Database - Eurostat
- Database - UN
- Database - Sustainable Development 2005 - 2016
Useful links
- Information system for monitoring European and national strategies and regional policy - Monitorstat
- Voluntary National Review Sustainable Development Goals (2020)
- National Development Programme BULGARIA 2030
- Sustainable Development Goals, Eurostat
- Sustainable Development Goals, UN
- Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030