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Time series : Labour_4.2.1.4_EN.xls

Number of employees, average gross and net hourly earnings and average gross overtime hourly earnings in October 2018 by gender and age - total full-time and part-time employees
Age (in completed years) Employees Gross hourly earnings Coefficient of variation Median Net hourly earnings Gross overtime hourly earnings
Males and females
Total 2 349 355 6.06 0.19 4.28 4.78 9.74
Under 20 14 624 3.85 1.23 3.08 2.98 6.66
20 - 29 310 731 5.86 0.46 4.22 4.59 9.86
30 - 39 534 128 6.79 0.42 4.45 5.39 11.14
40 - 49 632 244 6.20 0.38 4.35 4.91 9.68
50 - 59 565 778 5.80 0.37 4.33 4.56 9.30
60 and more 291 849 5.25 0.50 3.95 4.11 8.07
Total 1 152 373 6.53 0.30 4.29 5.16 10.66
Under 20 8 212 3.97 1.58 3.13 3.08 6.70
20 - 29 167 973 6.22 0.67 4.33 4.89 10.22
30 - 39 273 937 7.48 0.62 4.68 5.96 11.79
40 - 49 290 490 6.83 0.61 4.35 5.42 10.98
50 - 59 256 508 6.22 0.61 4.35 4.91 10.50
60 and more 155 253 5.24 0.76 3.77 4.12 8.44
Total 1 196 982 5.61 0.23 4.27 4.41 8.61
Under 20 6 412 3.69 1.93 3.01 2.86 6.61
20 - 29 142 759 5.44 0.56 4.15 4.24 9.24
30 - 39 260 191 6.07 0.54 4.30 4.78 10.20
40 - 49 341 754 5.67 0.45 4.34 4.47 8.28
50 - 59 309 270 5.45 0.41 4.31 4.27 8.00
60 and more 136 596 5.25 0.63 4.15 4.11 7.64

* Preliminary data
Explanatory notes:
1. Economic activities covered: NACE Rev.2 sections B – S, including section O
2. Size of enterprises covered: enterprises with 1 or more employees
3. Categories of employees covered: all employees with earnings during October 2018
4. Coefficients of variations (relative standard error) relate to the total gross earnings
5. Symbols:
( )  - data are considered relatively representative
/  - data are not considered representative
0  - less than half of unit employed