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Local Government Authorities in the Republic of Bulgaria 2009

Published at: 31.07.2009 - 11:36
The National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the electronic publication Local Government Authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria 2009.
The issue is bilingual (Bulgarian/English) and contains results from the NSI comprehensive survey of the Local government authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31.03.2009. It includes information about elected municipal councillors and persons employed in the district, municipal and mayoral administrations in the country.
Data about Local government authorities' officials are presented by age, sex and educational level.
Data on Local government authorities are published at national and regional level according to the administrative division of Bulgaria - municipalities, districts and planning regions.
The issue also contains short methodological notes, and an analysis on the structure of local government authorities. The published information is systematized in two sections:
• General review.
• Regional review.
Data on the computer hardware and software used by the regional and municipal administration are included in the publication.
The edition is of interest to central and local authorities and experts in the field of regional management and development.
The publication is available on CD-ROM and is also published on the NSI website.
Price (including mailing costs):
- EUR 9 for a CD
Price includes VAT.
The issue could be ordered at the following address:
National Statistical Institute
Publications Division
2, Panayot Volov St.
1038 Sofia,
Purchase by bank transfer:
NSI Bank Account
Bulgarian National Bank
Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia
IBAN BG84 BNBG 9661 3000 1190 01