Population by occupation in year 1893

On January 1, 1893 the fourth Census in the Principality of Bulgaria began. According to the results of the largest survey in the country, the population is divided by rank and occupation. Almost ¾ of the population – 73.92%, is engaged in agriculture, 12.81% – in industry, 5.21% – in commerce and communications, 3.59% – lawyers, teachers, doctors, engineers writers, artists and others, 3.01% – army, police, administration and clergy and 1.46% – not classified. The most representatives of army and police (2.80%) and administration (2.90%) there are in the Sofia district and the biggest part of clergy (0.71%) is in the Plovdiv district.

State employees in 1904

The number of state employees in 1904 was 27 939 employees. The employed in the Ministry of the war were 6455, in the Ministry of public buildings, roads and communications – 5 359, in the Ministry of Interior – 5 225. The smallest number of employees was in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – 224 employees.

The first nomenclature of occupation

The first ‘Nomenclature of occupation’ is composed by the French statistician Jacques Bertillon and is approved and recommended for use by the International Statistical Institute during its session in Chicago in September 1893. The aim is to enable worldwide comparison. 499 occupations were defined.