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European statistics olympics for secondary school students 2018

Published at: 20.10.2017 - 11:00
Dear students and teachers,

The National Statistical Institute, jointly with Eurostat and 11 EU Member States, has begun the preparation of the European Statistical Olympics, which will take place during the Bulgarian EU Presidency - from the end of January 2018 to mid-May 2018.

The preliminary stage of the Olympics was held during the 2016/2017 school year. The competition was attended by 59 teams from all over the country, and 44 of them qualified for the second round. The task of the jury was not easy. Every team had worked hard, along with the knowledge and technical skills the students had invested into creativity and desire to perform well. The teams, ranked first, second and third, were awarded prizes totalling BGN 6,000.

According to the Regulation, the ESO will be held in two rounds - National and European, and with two categories of secondary school students: pupils from the X - ХII grade and students from the VIII - IX grade.

The competition again will be teamed, with each team will consist of one to three students with a mentor teacher. Further information on ESOs can be found at the Olympics website:

To participate in the Olympics, it is important to be convinced that everyone can find the numbers they need without being an expert statistician and through them to learn interesting facts about people lives.

Because, as A.L. Bowley said, "A knowledge of statistics is like a knowledge of foreign language or of algebra - it may prove of use at any time under any circumstances!"

We are expecting you!