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New section "Social Inclusion and Living Conditions" on the Internet Site of NSI

Published at: 15.12.2011 - 11:00
Due to the growing interest in the European survey of income and living conditions, NSI offers to its users a new section titled "Social inclusion and living conditions".
In the section you can find information on the level and composition of poverty and social exclusion by basic characteristics, on the methodology and tools of the survey on income and living conditions as well as information on ad-hoc modules on specific topics. Poverty and Social inclusion Indicators are published at national level, by regions and by statistical regions. Data is annual.
The survey is conducted in accordance to Regulation 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council laying down the framework for regular production of annual statistics on income and living conditions.
In conducting the survey and in the calculation of the poverty and social inclusion indicators the methodological requirements of Eurostat are strictly followed.