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Standard Trade Classification 2008

Published at: 02.12.2008 - 11:28
The classification is a new Bulgarian version of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, Rev. 4), developed by UN Statistical Commission. The Standard Trade Classification is used for foreign trade statistics.
The publication includes introduction, structure and corresponding tables to Harmonized System (HS).
The publication is available on CD-ROM and is also published on the NSI website.
Price (including mailing costs): EUR 10
Price includes VAT.
The issue could be ordered at the following address:
National Statistical Institute
Publications Division
2, Panayot Volov st.
1038 Sofia,
phone: +359 2 9857 142
Purchase by bank transfer:
NSI Bank Account
Bulgarian National Bank
Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia
IBAN BG84 BNBG 9661 3000 1190 01
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