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Employment and Unemployment No. 3/2008

Published at: 11.02.2009 - 14:07
The National Statistical Institute presents the electronic bulletin Employment and Unemployment - 3/2008 to its users.
The bulletin is a quarterly electronic publication of the National Statistical Institute, presenting the results from the Labour force survey. The Labour force survey is a sample statistical survey on households for examination of the economic activity of the population aged 15 years and over.
The methodology of the survey has been developed according to ILO and Eurostat recommendations.
The publication contains:
1. Methodological notes - main concepts and definitions, used in the survey;
2. Tables with comparable quarterly data for the preceding one year period, as well as detailed data for the third quarter of 2008, including:
   • Economic activity of the population aged 15 years and over by sex, age, place of residence, education, marital status;
   • Employment:
      -  By professional status;
      -  By economic activity groupings;
      -  By occupational classes;
      -  Full/part time employed by sex and by sector;
      -  Employees by type of contract.
   • Unemployment:
      -  Duration of unemployment;
      -  Methods of job search;
      -  Existence of previous employment experience and reason of leaving the last job.
   • Persons not in the labour force:
      -  By age, place of residence and sex;
      -  By reason of inactivity;
      - Discouraged persons by sex, age, level of education.
The annual subscription price (4 issues, including mailing costs) amounts to EUR 45.
Price per issue - EUR 14.
Prices include VAT.
Subscriptions at the following address:
National Statistical Institute
Publications Division
2, Panayot Volov st. 1038
Sofia Bulgaria
phone: +359 2 9857 142
Purchase by bank transfer:
NSI Bank Account
Bulgarian National Bank
Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia
IBAN BG84 BNBG 9661 3000 1190 01
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