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Pension entitlements in social insurance, 2019 - 2021

Published at: 19.02.2024 - 11:00

The accrued-to-date pension entitlements in the beginning of 2021 (closing balance of 2020) amount to 231 010 mln. BGN which consists of 213 721 mln. BGN liabilities of Social security pension schemes (Public social security - First pillar of the Bulgarian pension system) and 17 289 mln. BGN liabilities of Defined contribution schemes (Supplementary Mandatory Pension Insurance and Supplementary Voluntary Pension Insurance - Second and Third pillar of the Bulgarian pension system).

The accrued-to-date pension entitlements in the end of 2021 amount to 293 174 mln. BGN which consists of 273 623 mln. BGN liabilities of Social security pension schemes and 19 551 mln. BGN liabilities of Defined contribution schemes.

Data on pension entitlements are calculated and published once every three years for a three year period.