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Newly Built Residential Buildings and Dwellings Completed in the Fourth Quarter of 2023 (preliminary data)

Published at: 07.02.2024 - 11:00

According to preliminary data from the National Statistical Institute in the fourth quarter of 2023, the number of newly built residential buildings was 1 529, and the newly built dwellings in them were 6 350. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2022, the buildings were by 57 less (or by 3.6%), and the newly built dwellings in them increased by 1 101, or by 21.0%.

76.8% of the newly built residential buildings had steel-concrete construction, 19.5% had solid structure, 3.3% had ‘other’ and 0.4% had a panel. The highest is the relative share of houses (78.3%), followed by blocks of flats (14.1%).

The highest is the number of residential buildings built in the district of Sofia (stolitsa) - 267 residential buildings with 1 823 dwellings, followed by Plovdiv - 230 residential buildings with 636 dwellings, and Varna - 174 buildings with 1 390 dwellings in them.

The highest is the number of newly built dwellings with two rooms (38.9%), followed by the number of those with three rooms (34.4%), and the lowest is the number of dwellings with five rooms (4.8%).

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the total useful space of newly built dwellings was 644.4 thousand sq. m, or by 10.3% more, compared to the same quarter of 2022, and the living floor space increased (by 10.9%) to 504.5 thousand sq. meters.

The average useful floor space of a newly built dwelling decreased from 111.3 sq. m in the fourth quarter of 2022 to 101.5 sq. m in the same quarter of 2023.

The biggest average useful floor space of a newly built dwelling was recorded in the districts of Silistra - 227.8 sq. m, and Gabrovo - 171.4 sq. m, and the smallest ones in Montana - 71.1 sq. m, and Varna - 72.4 sq. meters.

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