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Activity of financial enterprises and associations and foundations for 2022 (final data)

Published at: 30.11.2023 - 11:00

Insurance Companies

The National Statistical Institute published final data on the activity of  insurance companies for 2022, with the balance value of assets as of  31.12.2022 being 8 881 million BGN. In the life insurance sector, gross written premiums amount to 3 195 million BGN, and the balance of the technical report is 250 million BGN. In the technical report of General Insurance, the gross accrued written premiums amount to 516 million BGN, and the balance of the technical report is BGN 18 million. In 2022, the insurance companies have reported a positive financial result of their activity for 234 million BGN.

Pension Companies and Pension Funds

According to final data of the NSI in 2022, the balance value of the assets of the pension insurance companies at the end of the year for 543 million BGN. The revenues from the activities of pension companies reach 296 million BGN, and the realized profit amounted to 69 million BGN.

The balance value assets of the supplementary pension insurance funds as of 31.12.2022 is 19 291 million BGN, and the investments reached 17 321 million BGN. The balance value of the assets of the pension payment funds as of 31.12.2022 is 69 million BGN, and the investments reached 28 million BGN.

Specialized Investment Companies

According to the final data of the NSI in 2022, the balance value of the assets at the end of the year of the specialized investment companies is 12 723 million BGN. The foreign assets received (financial instruments and cash of customers) amounted to 7 785 million BGN.

The financial income of the specialized investment enterprises in 2022 amounts to 1 894 million BGN, and the financial result for the year is a profit of 56 million BGN.

Associations and Foundations

According to the final data of the NSI for the associations and foundations that submitted an annual report on their activities for 2022, the balance sheet value of their assets as of 31.12.2022 is 1 525 million BGN.

The revenues from regulated activity amount to 921 million BGN, and the profit from economic activity is 25 million BGN.

Detailed data can be found on the NSI website under the heading 'Financial Enterprises'.