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Poverty and Social Inclusion Indicators in 2022

Published at: 26.04.2023 - 11:00

In 2022, the average monthly poverty line for the country is 525.92 BGN per person. The number of persons who are below this line is 1 571.9 thousand representing 22.9% of the population. From 2021, a new indicator of severe material and social deprivation is included in the poverty indicators which shows the lack of necessary and desirable items for living a worthy life. It is calculated as the share of persons in the population who cannot afford 7 out of 13 items - 6 at the individual level and 7 at the household level. This indicator is part of the combined indicator ‘Population at risk of poverty and social exclusion’ for regular monitoring of the progress of countries in meeting national sub-targets in the Europe 2030 strategy.

Press release