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Goods and passengers carried and transport performance by mode of transport in the Third Quarter of 2022 (preliminary data)

Published at: 25.11.2022 - 11:00

The goods carried and the transport performance by the freight land and water transport increased by 7.2% and 4.6% during the third quarter of 2022 in comparison with the same quarter of 2021. The data are preliminary.

By 11.9% rose the number of transported passengers by the passenger transport (land, water and urban electrical transport) in the third quarter of 2022. The transport performance also increased by 43.2%.

Freight land transport

The transported goods by the land transport were by 8.8% more and the transport performance rose by 6.4% than the same quarter of 2021.

Freight water transport

Both the transported goods and the transport performance by the water transport decreased by 41.8% and 48.3%.

Passengers land transport

The number of the transported passengers was by 9.7% more and the transport performance rose by 47.2% compared to the third quarter of 2021.

Passengers water transport

In the third quarter of 2022, there was an increase of the transported passengers from the water transport by 15.4 thousand passengers as well in the transport performance by 907.2 thousand pkm.

Urban electrical transport

During the period July - September of 2022 the enterprises performing urban electrical transport transported by 15.6% more passengers. The transport performance increased by 15.2%.

Statistical domain