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‘Improving Quality of Labour Force Survey’ project

Published at: 11.12.2020 - 09:30

The National Statistical Institute has completed the work on the project ‘Improving Quality of Labour Force Survey’ according to the Grant Agreement with the European Commission № 07131.2017.003-2017.590.

The aim of the project was to assess the impact of the revised definitions of employment and unemployment, introduced by the new framework regulation on Integrated European Social Statistics (Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council), on the number of employed and unemployed people and on the time series recalculation in order to have data comparability. Within the project, forecast models for employed and unemployed were made, using administrative data from the Bulgarian Employment Agency. The time series were then recalculated on the basis of the forecasts and the assumptions about the changes in the number of employed and unemployed due to the new definitions in the Regulation.

The work on the project lasted 3 years and ended with a methodological report development.