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Grant Agreement ‘Registers and MNEs in Business Statistics’

Published at: 03.12.2020 - 11:10

The National Statistics Institute has started the project ‘Registers and MNEs in Business Statistics’, according to the European Commission grant agreement № 101015887-2020-BG-B5479-BR-MNE.

The main objectives of the project are:

• Apply the current methodology for European profiling in order to increase the quality of the data for the Multinational enterprise groups (MNEs) in the Eurogroup register. NSI of Bulgaria will participate in work on European profiling as country of global decision centre (GDC) and partnering exercise on foreign groups for the reference year 2020. 

• Set up a Large Case Unit team. A Large Cases Unit is a dedicated team, or a working group of experts within the NSI, tasked with ensuring that data collected across different statistical domains from the largest and most complex MNEs is consistent, and consistently presented in disseminated statistics. The in-depth study of the Groups and the direct contact with them will be the essential activities of the NSI experts in this project.

The project duration is 13 months and will be completed at the end of December 2021.