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Grant agreement "Support for improving crime statistics 2018"

Published at: 10.01.2019 - 10:45
The National Statistical Institute has started work on the Project "Support for  improving crime statistics 2018" according to the Grant agreement with the European Commission № 831416-2018-BG-CRIME-STATS.


The overall objective of the Project is to improve the quality of the produced national statistical data in the field of justice and criminality by supporting already started activities, related to:

  • Introduction of the UNODC International Classification of Crime for Statistical purposes (ICCS) in regular statistical practice;
  • Development of new data categories currently not covered by the national recording and reporting systems or official statistics in accordance with the needs and requirements of the UNODC/Eurostat joint questionnaire.           

The project activities are directed to providing of reliable and internationally comparable information in the field of justice and criminality by:

  • Improvement of coordination, cooperation and interaction between all involved in the process of data production institutions in the country.
  • Undertaking of steps and measures aiming harmonization of used national definitions, classifications and systems for recording and reporting of data.
  • Mapping of measures for improvement of the data quality at national level in view of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical purposes (ICCS) introduction in the national practice.
  • Activities for improvement of data completeness, coverage and level of availability according to the needs and requirements of the UNODC/Eurostat joint questionnaire.
  • Widening of administrative sources of data usage for statistical purposes.

The Project duration is 19 months and it will be completed at the end of June 2020.