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Road Traffic Accidents in the Republic of Bulgaria 2010

Published at: 29.07.2011 - 16:09
The National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the annual publication (in Bulgarian only) Road Traffic Accidents in the Republic of Bulgaria 2010. The issue is a joint edition of the Ministry of Interior and the National Statistical Institute.
The publication contains:
• Methodological notes;
• Tables with annual information about the road traffic accidents, injured and killed persons registered in Bulgaria during 2010.
The information is structured by:
- districts and municipalities;
- nature of accidents;
- location and class of road;
- age and sex of the persons involved in an injury accident;
- type and property of the vehicles;
- main reasons;
- months;
- days of the week and hours.
The data give the possibility of a multiaspect analysis of the road traffic accidents and the variations compared to the previous year, as well as the state of the road traffic safety in the country.
The publication is available free of charge on the NSI website and on CD-ROM.
Price per CD (incl. mailing costs): EUR 9
Price includes VAT.
The issue could be ordered at the following address:
National Statistical Institute
Press Centre and Publications Division
2, Panayot Volov St.
1038 Sofia,
Purchase by bank transfer:
NSI Bank Account
Bulgarian National Bank
Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia
IBAN BG84 BNBG 9661 3000 1190 01