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Grant Agreement ‘European profiling - Steps towards implementing the European System of interoperable Business Registers (ESBRs)’

Published at: 02.01.2018 - 15:25
The National Statistics Institute has started the project ‘European profiling - Steps towards implementing the European System of interoperable Business Registers (ESBRs)’, according to the European Commission grant agreement No. 11172.2017.003-2017.334.

The main objectives of the project are to improve the compatibility and quality of information for the largest multinational enterprise groups operating in Europe (and their composite statistical units), national statistical business registers and the Eurostat Eurogroup register. The aim is to provide an adequate statistical framework for the production of applicable and compatible business statistics at national and European level.

NSI of Bulgaria will participate in work on European profiling as country of global decision centre (GDC) and partnering exercise on foreign groups for the reference year 2017. In the framework of the action also will be validated data in Eurogroup register by using the interactive module IPT.

The project duration is 15 months and will be completed at the end of March 2019.