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‘Statistics’ Magazine, issue 2/2016

Published at: 07.06.2016 - 13:47
The National Statistical Institute informs users of statistical information that No. 2/2016 ‘Statistics’ Magazine is published on the NSI’s website. The issue is in Bulgarian language with summaries in Bulgarian, English and Russian and includes sections as follows:
• Theory and Methodology of statistical studies
• Statistical research and analysis
• Information, reviews, consultations

The section Theory and Methodology of statistical studies contains the article:

• Index factor analysis of the production volumes of homogenous sets of commodities with discrete odd function of the mathematical signum - author  Prof. Emil Hristov

A methodology for index factor analysis of production only from homogeneous sets of goods is compiled on the basis of the principle of distinction of statistical aggregations of homogeneous and heterogeneous. Analytically, each homogeneous set is a frequency distribution of the goods of the same type, which differ in prices and natural amounts in the same natural measure. Each frequency distribution is characterized by average price and total amount of all natural products. The production volume in money terms of all goods is a discrete dependent variable equal to the product of two discrete factor variables - the average price and the total amount of natural goods. With these discrete variables for two compared years is performed index factor analysis of growth or decrease in production from both jointly factor changes of the average price and the total amount of natural goods. In the general case, the exact solutions are arrived at with consideration of unidirectional and divergent changes in both factors. They are compared with the solutions that are obtained with multiple factors indices at constant composition – for the prices of Laspeyres and Paasche, and for the physical volume of production. Established are individual cases that can be solved by multiple factors indices at constant composition.

In the next article there will be a presentation of methodology for index factor analysis of production from various sets of goods.

The section Statistical research and analysis contains the articles:

• Human development index - Methodological and practical aspects - author Prof. Polya Angelova, Academy of Economics ‘Dimitar A. Tzenov’ - Svishtov

Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the main indicators for assessment of social development, which is used worldwide in the last 25 years. Statistical analysis and international comparisons carried out based on HDI and its individual components provide the opportunity to establish the place of the State according to the level of development, to analyse changes in the economy and social and regional disparities in living conditions.

The article is devoted to methodological concepts of HDI and the possibilities for its application as a benchmark for assessing the human potential. Human Development Index combines the three basic components of human development - longevity, education and income, and is calculated on the basis of statistical data on the main socio-economic and demographic processes in different countries. These components are characterized by basic parameters specified for all countries according to a comparable methodology that provides the necessary information base for international and regional comparisons.

In chronological sequence the article presents the methodological changes in the HDI, and common elements and the differences that have occurred after 2010 are derived. Conducted is a comparative empirical analysis of the state and regional differences, according to the Human Development Index and its components between the European Union (15) and the newly accessed countries from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) based on data from official statistical publications and annual reports on human development for the period 2007 - 2015.

• Improving the efficiency of regional structure of the national statistical institute in the context of modern management concepts - author Svetla Ivanova, RSO - Yugozapad, National Statistical Institute

Following the held in 2015 Reform of the Regional Structure of the NSI, on the agenda before the heads of the Regional Statistical Offices is the issue of improving the efficiency of the structures managed by them. Because there are various management approaches and tools for that, the topic is discussed in three sections:

Section I. Uniqueness of RSOs as a factor for increasing efficiency. The article discusses specifics of the functioning of RSO and the benefits that can be derived from them, given their position as a public body, and in the same time from the position of producer of statistics. In this connection is represented the logical conformity between The Management Model "4R" Of Toyota, The Generic Model For Operation Of Statistical Organizations (GAMSO) and The Common Framework For Evaluation In Public Organizations (CAF). The key performance indicators (KPI) are presented as a management tool for controlling the business activity RSO in real time.

Section II. Management tools to help increase the efficiency of the Regional Statistical Offices - systems for measuring performance through Balanced Scorecard and quality management. In the next issue of the ‘Statistics’ magazine the opportunities and benefits for RSOs from the implementation of a balanced scorecard to measure performance and Common Assessment Framework (CAF), as well as possibilities to adapt the principles of ISO 9001 for quality management in TSB will be examined.

Part III. Management tools to help increase the effectiveness of Regional Statistical Offices - benchmarking and the Lean concept. In the next issue of the ‘Statistics’ magazine the opportunities for the application of benchmarking and management approach of Lean management processes in RSO will be examined.

• Analysis of some aspects of the development of Sofia - author Ruslan  Nurgaliev, Ministry of Tourism - Sofia

Contemporary trends in the demographic, socio-economic, cultural and ecological development of Sofia District (capital) are analysed. The specifics of the impact of the main factors on the structure and dynamics of the surveyed processes in the capital district as well as some interrelations between the very processes and phenomena is reviewed. The analysis is based on traditional methods used in regional research.

The section Information, reviews, consultations contains the article:

• The labour market and poverty in Bulgaria - again criticized by the European commission - author Dr. Lyuben Tomev, Institute for Social and Trade Union Research CITUB - Sofia 

The analysis is a critical commentary on the findings of the European Commission (EC) related to sections of the labor market, poverty and social exclusion from the Report on Bulgaria for 2016, including a thorough review regarding the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances.

The analysis is focused on: the huge demographic pressure as a fundamental challenge to the labor market; the argument of the European Commission for ‘threatening the competitiveness rapid growth in real wages’; the issue with the lack of clear criteria and mechanism for determining the minimum wage and ‘its compressing effect’ on wages from the upper ranges; further deterioration in the indicators for income inequality and the low efficiency of the social assistance system. The regressive trend of the overall tax and social security burden in the income range above the maximum insurable earnings is shown as an additional aggravating factor in this direction.

• Information about participation in the meeting of the working group on environmental accounts - author Jaklina Tsvetkova, National Statistical Institute - Sofia

The main objective of the meeting was a review of the status of work in the field of environmental accounts, discussion of the priority methodological issues and recommendations to Member - States of the EU in connection with the future activity.

Among the discussed topics with highest priority were the physical energy-flows accounts, air emissions accounts, accounts for material flows in the economy, the issue of trial economy (circular economy) and issues related to the allocation of road transport data by economic activities. The focus points of these discussions were the production and distribution of data, resolving of existing methodological and technical issues and upcoming tasks in their respective fields.

During the joint discussions of the Environmental accounts working group with the working group on costs for environmental protection were discussed priorities of Eurostat and planned activities for 2016 and 2017, the current status of water and forests accounts; Eurostat funding of pilot projects for development of the accounts in 2016, improving the use of environmental accounts, implementation of SDMX standard in reporting; problems with confidential national data and other topics.

At the meeting were presented reports of the line-DGs in the European Commission on policy development in the field of environment.

Annual subscription (4 issues): EUR 22
Price per issue 2/2016: EUR 7
The publication can be purchased at:
• Multi-Domain Statistics and User Services Directorate, NSI,
‘P. Volov’ № 2 Str., Sofia 1038.
• The Regional statistical offices of the NSI.
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