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The United Nations designate 20 October as World Statistics Day

Published at: 07.07.2010 - 14:30
The General Assembly passed a resolution, by which designated 20 October as World Statistics Day. Based on this decision the United Nations will go on promoting the development of national statistics and improving their comparability, coordinating the statistical work related to the collection, storage and dissemination of statistical information.
The UN resolution says: „Acknowledging the fundamental importance of sustainable national statistical capacity to produce reliable and timely statistics and indicators measuring a country’s progress, which are an indispensable basis for informed policy decision-making and for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals at the national, regional and international levels”.
Many Member States and some regions celebrate already official statistics through different national and regional initiatives. For the first time, the World Statistics Day on 20 October 2010 will pass under the UN auspices, under the general theme of “Celebrating the many achievements of official statistics” and the core values of service, integrity and professionalism.
Bulgaria as one of the 54 states, co-authors of the resolution, will take part in celebrating the World Statistics Day.