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Official mission to NIS of Romania

Published at: 22.03.2010 - 11:00
A delegation from the National Statistical Institute, headed by its President - Mrs. Mariana Kotzeva was on official visit to NIS of Romania (18-19.03.2010) at the invitation of Prof. Vergil Voineagu - President. Members of the delegation were Mr. Mustafa Zinal – BNSI Deputy President, Mr. Tzvetan Nanov – Director of Dissemination of Information Department and Ms. Sonia Zlatanova- expert in the same department.
Topics for discussion during the visit were:
- identification of joint border European projects to be implemented in the field of statistics;
- proposals for joint European projects for development of Internet school of statistics, headings with statistical data and materials for different user groups and digital libraries;
- potential actions for issuing a joint statistical publication containing data on South Eastern Europe, dedicated to the World Statistician Day – October 20, 2010.