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Statistical Review of Lovech District

Published at: 07.01.2005 - 14:05
The Lovech Regional Statistical Office presents to users of statistical information the regional electronic publication 'Lovech 2004'.
The publication contains data on the demographic and social development of Lovech District over the 1998-2002 period. Data are aggregated on a district and municipality level by sectors, economic activity groupings and kind of ownership.
Information is presented thematically in separate sections. For the accurate interpretation of the indicators and the data customers should use the methodological notes in the publication.
Data sources are official NSI surveys and surveys conducted by other offices and institutions.
The publication is aimed at a wide circle of users in central and local government, business circles, researchers, lecturers, students and the general public.
The publication is available on CD.
Price (including mailing costs): USD 7 (seven).
Orders at the following address:
National Statistical Institute
‘Publications’ Department,
2, Panayot Volov st.
1038 Sofia,