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Publishing Production in 2022 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)

Published at: 27.06.2023 - 11:00

In Bulgaria during 2022 were published 11 828 books and pamphlets, which is with 129 more than the previous year. With the highest number were the scientific issues 3 369 titles, followed by the fiction for adults – 1 891. The translated titles were 2 596, of which  than half were translated from English (56.8%), followed by the editions translated from Russian – 6.4%, German – 5.7% and French – 5.5%. The highest number of books and pamphlets were published in Sofia (stolitsa)  – 7 734, followed by Plovdiv (837) and Varna (670) districts.

In 2022 were issued 191 newspapers, from which were 25 dailies, and in comparison with the previous year, their number decreased respectively by 10 and 4. The highest number of newspapers were issued in Sofia (stolitsa) district – 47.1% of all editions. 442 magazines and 61 bulletins were published and in comparison with 2021, the number of magazines increased by 2 and bulletins by 8.

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