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120 years statistics on education in Bulgaria

Published at: 28.04.2015 - 11:00
After the Liberation the educational cause was important for the young Bulgarian State, which required the introduction of specialized statistical surveys. To meet the need for information on the educational system in 1895 Statistical Office, whose successor is the National Statistical Institute, introduced the first periodic reporting in the country - "Statistics of the schools in the Principality of Bulgaria". Object of observation were children subject of mandatory initial training, students from different types of schools, school buildings, the budget of schools. Statistical surveys were carried out on the basis of payroll and annual reports of individual schools and are related to the examination of the number of students by gender and grades, as well as teachers by: gender, education, age, marital status and wage rates. In the next years statistical surveys covered new for its time types of learning (evening and Sunday schools). New objects of statistical study became kindergartens (Nurseries), pedagogical schools with three-year training course and the university.

Improvement of educational statistics is carried out in accordance with the dynamic development of the education system. The range of observed units and the coverage of indicators characterizing the phenomena and processes in education have increased.
Today, the National Statistics Institute carries out annual exhaustive surveys of educational institutions in full compliance with established international methods and standards (ISCED 2011), which allows comparability of results at international level.

Current data for the school year 2014/2015 is published on the NSI’s site, domain "Education and Lifelong Learning".