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Census Hub formally open on 8 December

Published at: 08.12.2014 - 12:26
Since 8 December 2014 Eurostat open for users of statistical information the Census Hub.

The Census Hub platform is a modern and innovative technical solution for transmission and dissemination of 2011 Census data of the European countries from the Eurostat website.

Census Hub is the first successful example in the European statistical system for dissemination of database built on the concept of „data sharing”, where a group of partners agree on providing access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technology. From the technological viewpoint the Census Hub is fully based on SDMX, and represents a solution, which could be applied to other statistical domains.

Via the Census Hub users will be able to produce tables containing basic characteristics of population, households, families and dwellings from 2011 Census in all EU Member States. Access to the metadata and data on quality of 2011 Census will be provided as well.

The Census Hub is available on the Eurostat web site on the following address:

The attached leaflet contains more information on the opportunities offered by the Census Hub: