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Eurostat launched a second round of peer reviews in all EU member countries

Published at: 10.10.2014 - 14:57
From August 2014 Eurostat launched a second round of peer reviews in all EU member countries, which must be completed by July 2015.

Unlike previous reviews, the current peer reviews in the system of Eurostat will cover all the principles of the European Code of Practice. The approach will be auditing, i.e. a team of auditors will draw up the final recommendations for all countries - members of the European Union.

The Peer review for Bulgaria at the National Statistical Institute will be held from 13 to 17 October 2014. Members of the international team that will carry out the Peer review are Pritt Potisepp – team leader, Peter Hackl and David Fenwick - interviewers. Observer by Eurostat is Luis del Barrio.

Apart of leading experts of the NSI, the inspectors from the EU will meet in addition young employees at the institute, representatives of bodies of statistics, business and scientific community. A meeting with the media as consumers of statistical information and key partners in the work of NSI is envisaged.