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Urban Audit - Total for Bulgaria

Total to the country
Variable 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Resident Population 7 718 750 7 679 290 7 640 238 7 606 551 7 563 710
'Male Resident Population 3 743 327 3 720 932 3 699 689 3 681 280 3 659 311
'Female Resident Population 3 975 423 3 958 358 3 940 549 3 925 271 3 904 399
Total Resident Population 0-4 as of 31. 12. 337 678 343 348 351 219 360 551 370 075
Total Resident Population 5-14 as of 31. 12. 709 373 688 567 672 190 661 043 656 125
Total Resident Population 15-19 as of 31. 12. 510 822 492 016 471 023 445 510 416 428
Total Resident Population 20-24 as of 31. 12. 536 488 532 931 527 395 523 522 516 606
Total Resident Population 25-54 as of 31. 12. 3 286 393 3 279 973 3 269 134 3 257 430 3 237 884
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 1 009 517 1 017 708 1 026 089 1 034 656 1 040 701
Total Resident Population 65-74 as of 31. 12. 780 860 770 944 757 046 747 705 736 024
Total Resident Population 75 and over as of 31. 12. 547 619 553 803 566 142 576 134 589 867
Residents who are Nationals NA NA 7 615 836 7 582 592 7 538 730
Total Number of Households (excluding institutional households) 2 618 358 2 623 820 2 599 605 2 622 067 2 615 936
'One person households 474 763 538 216 476 923 500 206 508 084
'Households with children aged 0 to under 18 1 073 178 1 047 557 1 007 597 1 036 697 1 007 946
Total Economically Active Population 3 314 200 3 415 700 3 492 800 3 560 400 3 491 600
'Male Economically Active Population 1 773 900 1 809 200 1 852 200 1 896 800 1 862 400
'Female Economically Active Population 1 540 300 1 606 500 1 640 600 1 663 600 1 629 200
Residents Unemployed 397 340 337 796 255 910 232 289 338 144
'Male Residents Unemployed 171 834 140 035 99 950 86 661 151 871
'Female Residents Unemployed 225 506 197 761 155 960 145 628 186 273
Total employment / jobs (work place based) NA 2 579 457 2 598 315 2 754 877 2 757 755
Total Number of Households with less than half of the national average disposable annual household income 336 540 458 887 441 198 642 110 451 182
Total annual tourist overnight stays in registered accommodation 16 071 313 17 427 519 18 080 823 18 295 403 15 372 406
Number of conventional dwellings 3 715 890 3 728 554 3 746 758 3 767 081 3 788 668
Number of live births per year 71 075 73 978 75 349 77 712 80 956
Total deaths per year 113 374 113 438 113 004 110 523 108 068
Number of car thefts 5 904 5 102 4 569 4 620 4 470
Number of domestic burglary 22 379 23 460 22 208 19 980 23 682
Number of children 0-4 in day care 117 414 123 027 128 433 133 580 138 775
Students in higher education (ISCED level 5-6) 243 464 258 692 264 463 274 247 287 086
Number of private cars registered 2 538 092 1 767 742 2 081 517 2 366 196 2 502 020
Number of deaths in road accidents 957 1 043 1 006 1 061 901