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Urban Audit - The LUZ of Sofia

the LUZ of Sofia
Variable 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Resident Population 1 321 089 1 326 991 1 329 244 1 334 782 1 337 147
'Male Resident Population 628 299 631 802 632 995 635 871 637 285
'Female Resident Population 692 790 695 189 696 249 698 911 699 862
Total Resident Population 0-4 as of 31. 12. 56 643 58 912 61 820 65 277 69 462
Total Resident Population 5-14 as of 31. 12. 102 466 101 954 102 118 102 999 104 184
Total Resident Population 15-19 as of 31. 12. 78 526 71 581 67 368 63 717 59 757
Total Resident Population 20-24 as of 31. 12. 114 097 111 753 106 998 101 214 94 680
Total Resident Population 25-54 as of 31. 12. 602 215 611 125 616 615 622 606 627 237
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 164 437 169 601 172 431 175 282 177 212
Total Resident Population 65-74 as of 31. 12. 111 911 110 737 109 793 110 417 109 926
Total Resident Population 75 and over as of 31. 12. 90 794 91 328 92 101 93 270 94 689
Residents who are Nationals NA NA 1 320 448 1 326 162 1 327 643
Total Number of Households (excluding institutional households) 446 368 497 368 444 696 462 627 488 816
'One person households 96 486 112 547 91 016 101 287 96 862
'Households with children aged 0 to under 18 170 885 182 095 174 049 168 637 191 192
Total Economically Active Population 641 900 679 300 703 500 725 100 726 800
'Male Economically Active Population 333 200 349 500 361 500 374 300 375 300
'Female Economically Active Population 308 700 329 800 342 000 350 800 351 500
Residents Unemployed 19 137 14 141 10 612 9 392 19 479
'Male Residents Unemployed 6 850 4 850 3 616 3 123 8 461
'Female Residents Unemployed 12 287 9 291 6 996 6 269 11 018
Total Number of Households with less than half of the national average disposable annual household income 78 254 96 960 101 159 57 886 72 746
Number of conventional dwellings 596 916 598 491 601 856 605 635 608 840
Number of live births per year 12 654 13 394 14 021 14 976 15 977
Total deaths per year 17 066 17 152 17 271 16 624 16 565
Number of car thefts 3 340 2 941 2 769 2 793 2 668
Number of domestic burglary 10 078 9 506 10 079 9 794 11 542
Number of children 0-4 in day care 20 128 21 894 21 711 24 181 26 157
Number of private cars registered 617 620 624 000 660 000 665 000 673 500
Number of deaths in road accidents 126 135 138 155 111